Full and Frank Disclosure Principle to Change the Understanding of Dispute Resolution

Regarding the dispute resolution and the disclosure of the facts and evidences subject to disputes; with this report, the principle of “Full and Frank Disclosure”, a proposition of a judicial mechanism that provides sincere, complete and correct disclosure and submission of material truth and evidence was proposed. It was advocated to introduce mechanisms and processes […]

Opinions and Recommendations on the Expertise Draft Law

Better Justice Association established a comprehensive opinion report and submitted it to the relevant authorities. The Association has put forward practical suggestions on many issues such as finding and commissioning of experts and supervising of their opinions. Our Association insists that the disruptions rooting from the expert evidence regulation, that our Association had warned about […]

Quality and Aspects of Quality in Judicial Services

The main purpose of this report, which was written by our President Attorney Mehmet Gün during his chairmanship of the Judicial Reform Working Group of TUSIAD (Turkish Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association) after 4 years of work, was to establish and agree on a clear objective for judicial reform. The report was accepted as a TUSIAD […]